Wordle can be a fun and quick way to exercise your brain. Their games usually last less than ten minutes and every day there is a new word available for players to guess.
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Many players feel that figuring out one word a day is too little, especially on days when the answer is easier to find. Fortunately, there are alternatives that can fill the void left by Wordle.
Dordle and Quordle are some of the most popular options among players who like a greater challenge. Both games use the same basic rules from Wordle, but have players guess more than one answer at the same time, using the same guesses for all answers.
In addition to having a daily challenge, both games allow players to play with randomly chosen answers as many times as they like.
Related: Wordle Game Help: 5-letter words with ‘A’ and E in them
As the only difference is the number of words, all Wordle tips work for these other versions as well. If you’re feeling stuck after discovering that the correct answer in your puzzle has the letter “C” at the beginning and the letter “E” at the end, here are some five-letter words starting with “C” and ending with “E,” sorted in alphabetic order.
Five-letter words starting with ‘C’ and ending in ‘E’ to try on Wordle
- cable
- cabre
- cache
- cadee
- cadge
- cadie
- cadre
- caese
- calve
- canoe
- caple
- carle
- carse
- carte
- carve
- caste
- cause
- cavie
- cease
- ceaze
- cense
- cerge
- cerne
- cesse
- chace
- chafe
- chape
- chare
- chase
- chave
- chere
- chide
- chile
- chime
- chine
- chive
- chode
- choke
- chore
- chose
- chuse
- chute
- chyle
- chyme
- civie
- clade
- clame
- clave
- clepe
- cleve
- clime
- cline
- clipe
- cloke
- clone
- close
- clote
- clove
- cloye
- cloze
- clype
- coate
- coble
- cogie
- cogue
- cohoe
- comae
- combe
- comte
- conge
- conne
- conte
- cooee
- cooze
- copse
- corbe
- corse
- cosie
- coste
- coude
- coupe
- coure
- coxae
- cozie
- crake
- crame
- crane
- crape
- crare
- crate
- crave
- craze
- creme
- crepe
- crewe
- crime
- crine
- cripe
- crise
- crome
- crone
- crore
- croze
- crude
- cruse
- cruve
- ctene
- curie
- curse
- curve
- cutie
- cuvee
- cycle
- cymae