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The America's Best-In-State Hospitals 2024 ranking awards the nation's 600 leading hospitals.
Hospitals from all US states were eligible for the ranking and included in the nationwide survey. As a result, 50 state lists as well as a list for the District of Columbia, were identified.
These lists are based on four data sources:
1. Nationwide online survey
From June to July 2023, Statista invited tens of thousands health care professionals (doctors, hospital managers and other healthcare professionals) to an online survey. Participants were asked to recommend leading hospitals in their state and also had the option to recommend hospitals outside their state.
Recommendations for their own employer/ hospital were not allowed.
Participants were asked to rate the recommended hospitals in several quality dimensions on a scale of 1-10: quality of care, staffing, patient counseling, and accommodation and amenities.
These assessments, the number of recommendations and the professional experience of the participant were used to determine the reputation score.
2. Results from patient surveys
Publicly available data from hospital surveys of patient experience during their hospitalizations. Survey topics included cleanliness of the hospital, communication of the nurses/doctors, care transition, communication about medicines, discharge information, quietness, and staff responsiveness.
Additionally, the The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals were considered for: Hospital care, home care, and critical access care. Those data were used to determine the patient score. Hospitals with an outstanding performance in patient experience & safety measures are recognized with a patient satisfaction award.
3.Hospital quality metrics
Hospital quality metrics from Medicare and Medicaid Services was available for: Mortality, Safety, Readmission, Experience, Timely & effective care.
Hospitals had to report in at least 3 CMS categories (one of which had to be either Mortality or Safety) to be eligible for the hospital quality metric score.
Additionally, hospital accreditation data from The Joint Commission was taken into account.
4. PROMs Implementation survey
In 2023, Newsweek and Statista conducted a voluntary PROMs Implementation Survey to determine the status quo of PROMs implementation, audits and reporting of the data, and whether the PROMs data is used to optimize the care process and support therapeutic decisions in real-time. A PROMs Implementation score was included in the scoring model of the project.
Scores were calculated for each hospital in each of the four categories and weighted: Peer recommendation (32.5% in state, 7.5% out of state): patient experience (17.5%), hospital quality metrics (40%), PROMs implementation (2.5%).
Note: Due to the difference in provision of services from Specialized hospitals, specialized hospitals appear at the bottom of each State list without a rank.
Disclaimer: The rankings are comprised exclusively of hospitals that are eligible regarding the scope described in this document. The ranking is the result of an elaborate process which, due to the interval of data-collection and analysis, is a reflection of the last 12 months. Furthermore, events preceding or following the period September 8, 2022 – September 7, 2023, and/or pertaining to individual persons affiliated/associated to the facilities were not included in the metrics. As such, the results of this ranking should not be used as the sole source of information for future deliberations.
The information provided in this ranking should be considered in conjunction with other available information about hospitals or, if possible, accompanied by a visit to a facility. Please note that data are subject to change and may be affected by continuing differences among states in abortion laws. The quality of hospitals that are not included in the rankings is not disputed.
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